Fasten Delivery Speed and Raise Distribution Accuracy
For a truck loaded with fresh meat, getting to the destination with the fastest speed while also drive safely is prominently important. Meat getting bad or truck turning over will cause miserable losses. To improve the situation and lessen time spent on the road, Chainway has come up with an intelligent solution.
Given the starting point and end destination, mobile computers with powerful Global Position System can show an optimal route that effectively reduces blockades. Route planning provides guidance for drivers, especially for new comers who are not familiar with road conditions there. Drives must drive along the pre-determined route, or an alarm will be sent back to the administration center. The estimated travelling distance provides reference for fuel consumption, so that the truck won’t run out of fuel. On the other hand, GPS helps track and monitor vehicle location in real time. If there is an emergency, the administration center can obtain its exact location and dispatch a rescue team there immediately. It helps minimize losses and personnel casualties. That way, managers can put their drivers and vehicles in total control.
When the truck arrives at the designated supermarket or point of sales, staff only need to use our PDA to scan RFID tags as a confirmation for the receipt. In the past, they need to open the package and search inside to see what exactly it is, calculate total quantity by counting one from another, and verify what they have received with the paper order. This process usually takes several hours, but now it only needs few seconds to pull the job off.
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